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Community Acupuncture

  • Great for anxiety, depression, stress, fibromyalgia, PTSD, IBS, fertility, cycle regulation, PCOS, addiction, insomnia, & pain

  • The community acupuncture model mirrors how acupuncture was originally practiced in many Asian countries

  • Demystifies the process of acupuncture by bringing it out into the open

  • For acupuncture to be most effective, people need to receive it regularly as a part of their health care routine. Community style treatments make this more accessible.

  • Friends and family can receive treatments together

  • People coming together with a shared purpose and receiving treatments together generates a powerful collective healing energy in the room. One can experience a bit of what this collective energy is like in group prayer/meditation and even in being part of a crowd at a festival or event. When we intentionally do something together, we create something greater than the sum of its parts. By being in community with one another in a healing space, we can embrace this potential for collective transformation. 

  • Learn more about the differences between community vs private acupuncture here

Clinic Etiquette for Community Acupuncture

  • Please silence your phone, enter the clinic quietly, and use your “library voice” to help preserve the calm environment.

  • Please do not wear cologne, perfume, or strong smelling body products.

  • You may listen to music or a meditation on your phone (with headphones) during your treatment, but please silence all rings, alerts, alarms, and vibrations on your phone.

  • Wear clothing that can be pushed or rolled up to expose your legs and arms. Shorts or loose pants and a tank top or loose short sleve shirt are ideal. Leggings, skinny jeans, sweaters, and turtlenecks are not recommended. We have a bathroom for you to change if needed.

  • No food in the treatment room. 

  • We recommend not consuming caffeine before your treatment because it is a stimulant and makes it more difficult to relax.

  • Please be considerate of other patients and adhere to appointment times.

  • Please arrive 15 minutes early for your first visit if you have not already filled out the paperwork.


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©2022 by Hawk Rock Holistic Wellness, LLC

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Informational Use Only

The information in the website is intended for educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as specific medical advice under any condition. All users should consult with their primary healthcare provider

prior to making medical decisions. 

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